American Heart Association (AHA) Certified Courses

We offer below mentioned American Heart Association (AHA) certified courses which are recognized globally.

The training covers extensive hands on session where students can participate and completes various skills and learning stations on the manikins.

All the courses are conducted only by the AHA certified Instructors as per AHA norms following the AHA 2020 guidelines course modules and materials.


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Written Exam and Skill Test

Student:Instructor Ratio


Course Duration

12-14 hours

Card Type/ AHA Certification

PALS Provider Course Completion E-Card on passing the exam

  • Recognition and treatment of infants and children at risk for cardio-pulmonary arrest
  • The systematic approach to pediatric assessment
  • Effective respiratory management
  • Defibrillation and synchronized cardioversion
  • Intraosseous access and fluid bolus administration
  • Effective resuscitation team dynamics

Designed to aid the pediatric healthcare provider in developing the knowledge and skills necessary to efficiently and effectively manage critically ill infants and children, resulting in improved outcomes.

For pediatricians, emergency physicians, family physicians, physician assistants, nurses, nurse practitioners, paramedics, respiratory therapists, and other healthcare providers who initiate and direct advanced life support in pediatric emergencies.

Traditional Instructor led and video based